The Utica Zoo Education Department regularly offers On-Grounds Programs for kids, adults, and families. Check back here regularly for updated programming lists!

Saturday Sessions

Join us for a day of learning during one of our Saturday Sessions! This STEM-based program utilizes age-appropriate activities, crafts, activities, as well as live animals to teach children about a range of animal-related topics. 

The Utica Zoo is fully chartered as an education facility by NYSED and all lessons and activities will adhere to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and include take home worksheets as well as a list of resources for further learning. The lessons will be geared towards students in 2nd to 6th grades but all ages can participate.  For more information please email

Saturday, February 8, 2025:

11:00 am – 12:30 pm – Climate Change Affecting Our Winters (Standard 3-LS4-4)

Zoo Adventures (Ages 2-5)

Watch your young ones explore with new animals and activities each month!

Join us as we explore the wonderful world of animals! Each session includes a craft, activity, storybook reading, and new animals to meet! Zoo Adventure classes are geared towards learners ages 2 to 5 years. The fun starts at 9:15 am at the Visitor Center.

Friday, January 17 – The Water Cycle-Snow, Rain, In Between (AZA Hot Topic: Connecting to Nature)
Friday, January 24 – Too Cold for Cold Bloods (Standard K-LS1-1)
Friday, February 7 – Crafty Camo (Standard P-LS1-2)
Friday, February 28 – How to be a Responsible Pet Owner (AZA Hot Topic: Responsible Pet Ownership)

Rate: Child (Ages 2-5 Years) - $10

Duration: 30-40 Minutes

*Please note: Non-member adults must purchase general admission tickets upon arrival; child admission included in price of program ($10.00). Admission grants full day access to the Utica Zoo. 

UZ Home School Program (Grades K - 12)

STEM based education programs for Home School students | K - 12th grade

Let the Utica Zoo and Beaversprite, the zoo’s Conservation Education Center be your science connection this year!

The Utica Zoo /Beaversprite Home School Program is a STEM-based program that utilizes age-appropriate activities, crafts, activities, as well as live animals to teach attending children about a range of animal-related topics. Our home school class may be used to fulfill a science credit, depending on specific grade level or requirements. Home school is open to all students (K – 12th grade).

The Utica Zoo is fully chartered as an education facility by NYSED and all lessons and activities will adhere to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and include take home worksheets as well as a list of resources for further learning. The lessons will be geared towards students in 2nd to 6th grades but all ages can participate.  For more information please email

Friday, January 17Mutualism and Coevolution (Standard MS-LS2-1)
Friday, January 24 – Rainforests (Standard MS-LS1-5)
Friday, February 7 – Vet Sciences (AZA Hot Topic STEM Careers)
Friday, February 28
Developmental Bio (Standard MS-LS4-3)


Rate: Child (Grades K - 12) - $18

Duration: Utica Zoo Classes - 90 Minutes | Beaversprite Classes - 3 Hours

*Please note: Non-member adults must purchase general admission tickets upon arrival; child admission included in price of program ($18.00). Admission grants full day access to the Utica Zoo. 

Zoo Day Camps

Looking for something fun for your kids to do during school break? Bring them to the Utica Zoo for our school break zoo camp!

Zoo camp is a great place for students to have fun and learn too! We introduce campers to an inquiry-based learning environment, with STEAM activities that encourage group collaboration and learning. Camps are interactive and also include an animal meet and greets, enrichment projects, touring the zoo, and crafts.

Please note: PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR ALL CAMP SESSIONS! This is a drop-off style program. Sign-in and out will be required for drop off and pick up. Parents wishing to remain on zoo grounds while their child enjoys zoo camp will be required to pay admission.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Zoo Camp

World’s Weirdest Animals
Monday, January 20 | 9 am – 3 pm
Ages 5-8 years
Price: Members: $65 | Non-Members: $75

Animals come in all shapes and sizes, and some of them look downright strange. Not only that, but they may move, sound, smell, or feel odd too. For those animals though, their weirdness may just be the key to their survival. Join our Education team as we explore some of nature’s strangest creatures and the factors that drive them to be as bizarre as they are.

Using a Project Based Learning approach, this camp will feature live animal presentations, guided activities, and a final project to bring the lesson full circle.

Presidents' Day Zoo Camp

Animal Sound Effects
Monday, February 17 | 9 am – 3 pm
Price: Members: $65 | Non-Members: $75

Have you ever heard animals calling and wondered what they might be? What it is they might be trying to say? Like us, animals use sounds to get their messages across, but the way they do so is entirely different to our own. Join us as we explore one of our most powerful senses: sound.

Using a Project Based Learning approach, this camp will feature live animal presentations, guided activities, and a final project to bring the lesson full circle.

Shuttle Services for Free Admission Night on Monday, August 26 will begin at 5 pm at MVCC and the Rec Center.