Winter in the Wild

Winter in the Wild is the Utica Zoo’s annual mid-winter admission driver! During it we will be celebrating winter adaptations and zoos in the winter. So come on by the Zoo on February 19 to see the zoo in its full wintery glory! 

This event will feature:

  • Special Winter Themed Keeper Talks to Teach You All About Winter Animal Adaptations
  • A Special Quiz for You To Discover What Winter Animal You Are/Adaptation Would Best Suit You
  • Get Warm by Our Fire Pit
  • 25% OFF Snowshoe Rentals (contingent on how much snow is on the ground during the event)
  • Hot Beverages in Our Gift Shop

This event is INCLUDED with the price of admission!

Keeper Talk Schedule

11:30 – Bactrian Camel

12:30 – Spider Monkey

2:30 – Bald Eagle

3:00 – Canada Lynx

The Utica Zoo will be closed at 1:00pm on 8/3 for BREWFEST and will reopen with normal hours on 8/4!